Thursday, April 3, 2014


When life throws you a curve ball; there are normally more than one and it's not easy!!! But it's not what happened it's how you jump back and the lessons you learn as you go!! Looking back I am THANKFUL- it brought Clayton and I closer and stronger, made an awesome new friend, reevaluated what I wanted in life, and gave me a chance to see just what I could do! 
"Everything happens for a reason," said much easier than believing! But now more than ever I believe it! At first you want to throw lots of pitty parties but looking back it was super silly, dumb and wasn't the end of the world. When your honest with others rather than trying to hide; it's crazy how much you can truly gather from life! Be thankful for the good times and not so good times...look for the positive and not the negative! A rainbow is a pretty awesome sight but the rain has to come first! 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Back to Blogging!!

HELLO:)  After 3 year hiatus; we're back! hahaha Since we have an exciting summer coming up I wanted to be able to share with the world and be able to look back. Some of the fun we are looking forward to having: bees, chickens, starting our farm, gardening, cows, family, us ohhh and don't forget Princess!