Sunday, March 27, 2011

Moving right along...With the Help of Family

Woke up early this morning because it was a planned day to work on the house :-) Candace and I got everyone that was going to be helping (my mom, her mom, and her little brother, Christopher) free breakfast from Wendy's (compliments of Candace's good fortune). I must add Christopher was quite pumped to find out he could order WHATEVER he wanted. Anyways, today was an extremely productive day: 3 bedrooms, the hallway, and the living room ceilings are COMPLETELY painted and that dreaded 2nd coat was not that bad after all and really made a difference, 2 coats of paint down and one to go for "The Office" and "The Master" (we had to go ahead and name the rooms because everyone was getting confused as to where we were doing work), and spackling and caulking in the rooms that wouldn't get painted. The office is the smallest of the 3 bedrooms while, the master is the room that will greatly be missed the most because it no longer has the beautiful, alternating purple stripes : ( jk. Insanely enough after 2 coats of Sherwin Williams on the walls, a 3rd is still needed. Having a different brand to go in our bedrooms, I foresee as a good thing, because it will give Candace and I the ability to judge which brand we will prefer to paint with in the future (we're using Valspar, said to be excellent, in our Bathroom, Kitchen, and Living Room/Hallway areas). 

While we were painting we had two visitors that stopped by for the first time. Candace's granny and her sister Cheryl came over. This was the first time that they had seen the house and they seemed to like it along with the changes that we were making. While they were looking around Candace's granny commented on the light that was in the kitchen, she said that she liked it. Candace and I had plans of taking it out and putting in a ceiling fan along with recessed lighting in the kitchen. We had put the light on Craigslist because it was too good of a light to just throw away but, no one has called about it. However today we found a good home for it! Candace's granny said that she wanted it!! We are happy that it will be getting some use!!

While they were there they noticed that we were in need of a small step ladder, rather than lugging the big, one room to another. So they went to Wal-Mart and brought us back a sturdy and reliable new step ladder. The ladder was put straight to use the moment we received it! ----> (our new ladder on the right!:-)

Sonja has painted countless rooms in her lifetime, I think that she enjoys painting, but regardless Candace and I were very thankful for her help. She kept us on track and we were able to get all of what we had hope to accomplish and had a little fun while doing it!
I wrote this because I love Candace Lacey Craycraft HOWEVER this is Charlie, Christopher, Cathryn AND CL's initials as well! lol

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